Enemy of God
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:19 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Enemy of God
Song Author
Millie Petrozza, Kreator
File Size
166 KB
Shocked Or-well-i-an ra-ces,
gath-er u-nit-ed in grief.
Noth-ing is left from the world they have known,
gro-tsque in-diff-rent be-lief.
Sys-tems have failed, rules can't con-trol,
corr-upt dic-tat-ors for-ev-er de-throned.
Lies of the priest, trust of the blind,
fail-ure of struct-ure man-ip-u-late de-vi-ant crimes.
All na-tions hail the end of peace.
new dawn in-cep-tion of dis-ease.
Age of re-venge has now been born,
by the mo-ther of all wars.
En-e-my of God.
Pur-i-ty and in-o-cence is killed.
En-e-my of God.
Peace has died the day when life stood still.